Monday, March 11, 2013

BaZi: 用神 Useful God - 纯杂 Pure Impure

纯杂 Pure and Impure

Purity and Impurity (DTS: 清浊 Clarity and Turbidity)is a very important concept. It tells the good BaZis from the bad ones.

ZPZQ says:

Useful God changes and transforms, and that results in Pure and Impure. Pure is auspicious, Impure is inauspicious.

What does it mean by Pure? (The Gods) that uses each other and they are mutually supportive. 

Such As

Xin born in Yin month, Jia and Bing are both protruding, Wealth and Officer are mutually engendering, both are mutually supportive

*Officer likes to be engendered and Wealth likes to engender Officer

Wu born in Shen month, Geng and Ren are both protruding, Wealth and Food are mutually engendering, both are mutually supportive.

*Wealth likes to be engendered and Food likes to engender Wealth

Gui born in Wei month, Yi and Ji are both protruding, Devil and Food are mutually countering, mutually countering is right (correct), that is also mutually supportive.

*Food likes to counter 7K and 7K likes to be countered by Food.

Cases like these, is the Purity of the Useful God.

What does it mean by Impure? (The Gods) that use each other but do not seek each other.

Like Ren born in the month of Wei, Yi and Ji are protruding, Officer and Hurting Officer mutually counter, both do not seek each other.

Jia born in Chen, Wu and Ren are both protruding, Seal and Wealth counter each other, is (also a case of both gods) do not seek each other.

Cases like these, Useful (God) is impure.

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